среда, 28 октября 2009 г.

Film review

Pretty Woman
The name of the film - Pretty Woman. The film was directed by Garry Marshall.
Pretty Woman is a zomantic comedy. The leading zoles were played by Richard Gere and Julia Roberts.
The film centers around the prostitute Vivian Ward (Julia Roberts), who is hired by a wealthy bussinessman and corporate raider, Edward Lewis (Richard Gere) to be his escort for several business functions, and their developing relationship. The Pretty Woman initially intended to be a dark drama about prostitution in New York but was reconceptualired into a romantic comedy.
The film is very good, and has a happy end. I liked the film very much, because i love films about love and it is an unusual and special film. Also,i liked the music in it film very much. The music was excellent! Music played in this film was beautiful, gentle and romantic.
It is the real film! Such film is unique!
Unfortunately such films presently do not repeat. It is a fine film, one of my most favorite films.

среда, 9 сентября 2009 г.

My journey...

I want to tell to you about my journey to Latvia.
I departed there with the class-mates on a bus.
We stopped in Riga hotel. All Journey lasted only two days, but for this time we had time on to make merry and rest!
There were we in Jurmala, and in a hotel was also located swimming pool.
Also we visited Lido. There was a very various menu. It was very beautiful round Lido, because it was before New Year.
In general a journey very pleased me.
I think and to all my friends also..:)
And wish you to visit this glorious city Riga!


воскресенье, 15 февраля 2009 г.

Побывав в музее здравоохранения я узнала,что:

1)дыхание курящего человека сильно отличается от некурящего.
2)моя скорость реакции 00:59 сек.
3)при приминение алкоголя,никотина беременная колечит своего ребёнка.
4)кресло зубного врача, стоящее в качестве экспоната, принадлежало личному зубному врачу Константина Пятса.
5)в последний срок беременности вес ребенка и околоплодный житкости + плацента состовляет до 10 кг.
6)рождение ребёнка проходит очень тяжело.